The dean ________ Salomova F.I.
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The kalendarno-thematic plan
Chair: Epidemiology
Subject matter: Epidemiology, military Epidemiology
Faculty: Mediko-profilakticheskoy, a course 6 semestre 11-12
Class periods in a semestre: lectures-16, a practical training-270
№ The name of a theme of practical employment Hours
1. Principle of the organisation of work, structure, states of epidemiological department TSGSEN of district and acquaintance to system of antiepidemic service of the population. 6
2. Analytical activity of epidemiological department TSGSEN 6
3. The organisation and carrying out epidemiological control Supervision for Immunoprophylaxis. Problems and prospects of the expanded programme of immunization (RPI). 6
4. The organisation of disinfection service of the population. Structure and activity. 6
5. The organisation of epidemiological supervision of intestinal group of infections. The organisation and carrying out epidemiological control a typhoid, a bacteriocarrier, and also actions for the relation cookim. 6
6. The organisation and the maintenance epidemiological control behind a case rate salmonelloses. 6
7. Definition of the reasons of a poisoning from foodstuff and working out of actions for the prevention of food poisonings. Bases epidemiological control flashes. 6
8. The organisation and the maintenance epidemiological control for Shigellezami. 6
9. The organisation and carrying out epidemiological control. Supervision of a cholera. The organisation and carrying out epidemiological control. Supervision of a cholera in the centre. Duties of the local doctor at revealing sick of a cholera. 6
10. The organisation of epidemiological supervision of a virus hepatitis A nd and Е. 6
11. The organisation of epidemiological supervision of a virus hepatitis In, With, Д. 6
12. The organisation and the maintenance epidemiological control behind a case rate a poliomyelitis 6
13. The decision of situational problems on intestinal infectious diseases. 6
14. The organisation of epidemiological supervision of aerosolic infections. 6
15. The Organization and contents epidcontrolfor diphteria. 6
16. Organization and contents epidcontrol for measles 6
17. The Organization and contents epidcontrol for rubella. 6
18. The Organization and contents epidcontrol for. 6
19. The Study of the particularities of the epydemiological examination centre scarlet fevers. 6
20. The Organization and contents epidcontrol for MKI. 6
21. Organisationand epidcontrol content for disease incidence by the flu. 6
22. Organisationand epidcontrol content for epidemic parotitis. 6
23. Organisationand epidcontrol content for pulmonary forms of tuberculosis. 6
24. Organizationand epidcontrol content for tuberkulezami, skins, gastro-intestinal system and bones. 6
25. Organization of epidemiological surveillance when lepra, sources of infection, manifestations of epidemic process, transmission mechanism, distributions, clinical forms, diagnostics. 6
26. Epidemiological surveillance when intrahospital infections (therapeutic and children’s permanent establishments ). 6
27. Epidemiological surveillance when intrahospital infections (therapeutic and children’s permanent establishments ). 6
28. Ant epidemic regime of infectious of bowline/tsy. 6
29. Practical work in study of infectious Disease. Organization of prophylactic working for health locality. 6
30. Study of ant epidemic regime DDU. 6
31. Case rate, mortality, calculation of days of the lost life and their interpreting. Average sizes, a dispersion, a standard deviation both confidential intervals and their interpreting. Evident representation of the epidemiological data. Preparation and application of tables, schedules and charts 6
32. Decision of situational missions. 6
33. Study of ant epidemic work of the Centre of prevention of quarantine and grave infection . 6
34. Epidemiologic of supervision over plague. 6
35. Epidemiological supervision of furiousness. Studying of preventive and antiepidemic actions at furiousness. 6
36. Organization of epidemiologic supervision over disease incidence by the brucellosis. 6
37. Epidemiologic of supervision over Q Fever. 6
38. Organization of epidemiologic supervision over anthrax. 6
39. Study of anti epidemiological work of republican centre AIDS. 6
40. Epidemiology, epidcontrol and malaria prevention. 6
41. Etiology, clinic and malaria diagnostics. 6
42. Organization of epidemiologic supervision over disease incidence by the ascariasis 6
43. Organization of epidemiologic supervision over disease incidence by the ascariasis 6
44. Epidemiological supervision of a typhus and illness 6
45. Epidcontroorganization for leishmaniasis. 6
Altogether 270 hours
Head epidemiology chair. G.S. Matnazarova